This is a close-up of some of the more detailed muscles of the spinal erector. You can see the small spinalis cervicis and the bulkier spinalis capitis connecting to the spinal column and back/center of the head on the left. Some of these little muscles were difficult to perceive in harmony, and my first attempt was a mishmash of small chords. After Amy showed me some diagrams and her model, I was able to understand the spirals and curves important to these muscle's relationship with one another. This view illustrates the spiraling nature of the longissimus cervicis and capitus, and the iliocostalis cerivicis as well as the top portion of the longissimus thoracis. This twisting mass up toward the skull gives us the ability to spin our heads on an axis, but are limited by the flexibility and length. I was having difficulty building these at first, because I didn't have any reference images. Next time I build, I will be sure to have an anatomy book of some sort to refer to the relationships between the muscles, something that is not presented in detail in the muscle atlases we are using. To get the curves and twists, I suggest building onto basic forms while they're on the model with small pieces of clay. Rather than actually trying to twist the muscles or build them with a twist, you can use overlapping and variation of width to suggest a curve or twist. I tried not to get frustrated because I know if I have to do something over again, then it's just giving me a better understanding, and helping me to memorize some of these forms (and maybe even the names.)
The large muscle is the longissimus thoracis, this powerful muscle, along with the triangle shaped iliocostalis lumborum, protect our organs and spine at the gap between the ribcage and hip bones. They also allow us to flex the lumbar vertebrae, and the more limited thorasic vertebrae.
A miniscule portion of the quadratus lumborum, tucked under the external obliques. I need to emphasize the two triangles of it, something I didn't pay attention to when building. This muscle laterally flexes and extends the lumbar spine.
Another shot of the external obliques and abdominis as well as the front of the longissimus capitis and iliocostalis cervicis.
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