Self Portrait. Tech Pen on Paper. The assignment was to use words to compose a mug similar to your own. It's nearly impossible for me to write a statement that summarizes my work as I slip in and out of motiviation easily, and back and forth between aspiration to g-g-g-GO, reckless anxiety and whatever else. Completing this project on a scribble binge that ended at dawn, the likely reason behind the extra-terrestrialness (wow it's a real word) of it. I shall give it no title, because I'm not particularly fond of self-portraits, but thats just a feeling of the moment. "scribbles and doodles realistically render the things in my noodle." It should say "our noodles" as to include anyone else who could use some mindful stretching, but I don't have enough white out to revise the entire thing.
Drawing II, color pastel on Black Paper. Micro/Macro "Don' t Forget to Bring your Destructive Order to The Galaxy." Semester II of Freshman year was a strange time for me to say the least. This pastel is one of two but I think this one stands on it's own fine enough, although it's then taken slightly out of context. I was thinking about father-son relationships among insect colonies. Termite as Darth Vader. Dynamic lighting and complementary colors bring a small and seemingly insignificant organism to our awesome size. The other drawing is of a young larvae with a segment of arm cut off, the title derived from lines in the "I am your father" scene in Star Wars. Needless to say, I recieved an entire classroom of befuddle gaze explaining this piece- that moment soldifies this drawing as one of my favorites.
Needless to say I seldom squash bugs anymore.

It's an abstraction of a fruit. Visually, I believe it's strong, but... it's an abstraction of a fruit. Horned melon to be exact. I just wanted to show some of my graffiti inspired work, though I find it difficult to relate to the philosophies and motives of most writers I know and have met. I'm being a cynic right now. I need some sleeeeeeeeeeep. Good night.
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